Let’s get in touch
I am very happy to report that I love the 938’s. I have been looking for a new stereo for over 5 weeks. I was getting burned out. I heard things with ribbons, electrostatic, speakers of all kinds. I had selected Rogue Audio for the tube drives and Opera Audio for a digital source but nothing was just right for the speakers. The goal was simple, I wanted the best sounding system for my ears for under $12,000. The problem was the speakers I was hearing were either to bright without warmth, or not enough pure sounding bass to move me. Quest For Sound in Pennsylvania took the time on two occasions to have someone at my disposal to switch between 7 brands of speakers and numerous models. The 938’s gave me exactly, without compromise, what I was looking for. They stood out and made the decision clear even in my burnout state.
They are home and set up and I am totally satisfied.
Thanks for making a quality product and having a quality distributor in my area,
– Ron C
For over 2 years and more than 1000 hours, I have listened to my Hyperion Sound system: 2 HPS-938 speakers, BEC-P25 Pre Amp, and BEC-250 Power Amp, which I recently upgraded to 2 BEC-Mono Amps.
To date, I never cease to be amazed by the superb sonic clarity, transparency and overall performance this system delivers to all musical forms: rock, classical, jazz, and ethnic. The soundstaging and wide range of accuracy from bass to midrange to highs are superb; coupled with the instant rendering of initial attack, the dynamics of live performance are faithfully presented.
Last and not least, my family raves about the Hyperion System: my wife likes it so much she allows the volume to be higher, and my brother, a nearly impossible-to-please audiophile (with a system costing well over $25,000) actually comes to my home to listen.
When you consider the modest price, Hyperion Sound has done music lovers a great service by substantially lowering the cost of entry into the wonders of the audiophile world.
Thank you so much!
Richard Skodnek
Great Neck, New York
I’m a proud and very satisfied owner of the 938’s which I bought almost one year ago. I’m currently driving the speakers with Audio Research vs55’s and an older audible illusions pre-amp. I’m using the Ayre 7e cd player. I’m considering purchasing new preamp and am curious about your recommendations. Would you recommend A. tube preamp with unbalanced input/outputs or a passive preamp that has balanced in/outs?
Also I live on the west side of LA (near Santa Monica) and would be willing to let interested parties listen to my system. Have them email me for details.
Thank you,
C. Freilich